My "Quoteoftheday''- 'INNOCENCE'

The quote is about a missing sense which we forget to continue in our life's journey. ≈Almighty created and crafted the human beings very beautifully where science can try to find the logics but unable to reach the core. ≈We all have five senses since birth. i.e. Eyes to see, Ears to hear, skin to feel the touch, nose to smell, tougne to taste. All functions work to upgrade our mental status along with survivial. ≈As we walk on the bumpy life's road, gradually we tend to develop common sense, civic sense and sometimes some people talk about sixth sense also. ≈Did anyone notice? that in all hustle and bustle, we leave far behind our 'Innocence' which keeps our inner child alive. What the next moment would be? It is not in our hand and control but how to live and react in that moment is in our periphery. ≈what are we waiting for? Lets wake our 'Innocence' up and at least sometimes behave, think and act without any societal in the moment to ...