An Abrupt development resulted in An Awful Destruction..

Balanced Ecology = Boost in Economy... This sketch is to put some light upon our ongoing challenging Environmental issues in form of pandemic, storms, fire broke out in forests, global warming and sea adulteration etc. The need of the hour is to intropect our actions towards Environment on WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAYi. e. 5th june. Our Abrupt development resulted us in an Awful Destruction where uncertainty has taken place all over the world. We littered and played with the nature every way possible in the name of development that has created lot of chemical, instrutrial waste which is adultering the sea. If we contiue polluting our nature this way then, there will remain no big difference among developed nations, developing nations or undeveloped nations because the End will be same for all. So lets take a pledge on this day to imbibe following habits to save our mother earth.. - Minimal use of plastic in our daily routine...